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Using Performance profiling to track improvement progress for soccer defensive players

After my last post about using performance profile to do goal setting and track progress, there were some interests about applying this technique to soccer player, especially to defenders. This post is the answer for these defensive players who want to keep tracking their progress whether or not they get to play game each week.

Firstly, majority of the content here are taken from this post of Roby Stahl

I copied the content of the post but restructure it to fit the purpose of the performance profiling. If you want to read more details, please go to the original post.

STEP 1: Skip

improve confidence for center back soccer player


Evaluate your overall ability in terms of physical aspects, technical ability, tactical awareness, and attitude and personal traits.

You can use the table below and add/ subtract any thing that does not suit you.

improve confidence for left back soccer player


Select the 20 most important qualities required to achieve a top performance. Transfer the 20 qualities to the perimeter of this circle.

resilience training right back soccer player


Explain what you mean by each character. Then rank your current ability from 1-10 with 10 is the highest possible for that quality.

endurance, speed, agility , strength training football

improve ball control and dribbling skill center back

center back when to tackle

self-control, self-confidence soccer defensive player

From here, the rest of the step from STEP 5 onward is exactly the same like the one on the previous post.


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